Chococid's FFT FanPage

Damage Formulae
Straight Character Challenge

This site is no longer updated (this update posted as of July 27, 2006, and no updates had been made for 2 years... I think it's a reasonable thing to say).
However, because the information contained within may be useful, despite how godawful of a writer I was 4 years ago, I choose to leave this site up as long as Tripod doesn't take it down. (the update 2 years ago was merely me throwing a counter on there as a curiosity, if I remember correctly. Apparently I get 53% of my hits on Tuesday- what the hell?)
The real battle mechanics guide and SCC FAQ can be found on , I suggest you look there, as stuff on this site, abandoned as it obviously is, may be out of date. My apologies to you, whoever checked my site every couple Tuesdays desperately looking for an update.